Tiernan Campbell-O'Brien
Tiernan was raised on Dharug country and is a descendant of the Yulluna peoples from North West QLD. He has a passion for working with Indigenous people and communities, starting as a Youth Worker at the Cleveland Detention Centre in Townsville. More recently, Tiernan was an Advisor for the National Indigenous Australians Agency and has experience developing engagement plans in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; complex project management; and policy, particularly in Indigenous priority areas of Social and Emotional Wellbeing; Jobs, Land and Economy; Children and Schooling; and Culture and Capability.
Tiernan has worked with Aboriginal communities and key stakeholders on projects specific to Country and Land Use/Future Development. These have included advising Director of National Parks and leading Traditional Owner Engagement in relation to the joint lease audit of jointly managed (Booderee, Kakadu & Uluru Kata-Tjuta) National Parks; Leading Traditional Owner engagement to influence the design of the AFL Marvel Stadium Upgrade in Melbourne; Conducting and leading stakeholder engagement with key, identified Aboriginal stakeholders on the Botany Road Corridor Upgrade project for City of Sydney; and providing strategic advice to the Government Architect NSW on the proposed Structure Plan for the Parramatta North Precinct.
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