Courtney B Subramaniam Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2021

Courtney B Subramaniam

Dr Courtney Cross is a Veronika Sacco Clinical Cancer Research Fellow, working to improve the health and wellbeing of people living with and beyond cancer. Her research program comprises both laboratory-based and clinical research, focusing on unravelling the complex role that the gut microbiome plays in supportive cancer care. With the help of funding from Tour De Cure and SAHMRI's Bright Spark Program, Dr Cross is currently exploring the efficacy of fibre supplementation in alleviating the symptom burden associated with treatment related side effects. Her work also explores the use of multi-omic profiling techniques in side effect risk prediction, with the goal of personalising supportive cancer care to the highly unique needs of each individual.

Abstracts this author is presenting: