Thomas Powles
Thomas Powles is a Professor of urology cancer at the University of London and the Director of Barts Cancer Centre, which is one of the UK’s largest Cancer Centres. He trained as in Oncologist at Imperial College. His MD thesis from the University of London was on mechanisms of resistance to systemic therapy in urology cancer. He has had a major role in the development biomarkers and new drug strategies in urology cancer. This includes multiple EMA and FDA approvals.
He has led a number of clinical trials (including eleven randomised phase IIIs) and translational oncology projects that have appeared in the major journals. These are both university led and pharmaceutical company sponsored studies. His grant income over the last 5 years is over £6 million. He has over 300 peer review publications. This includes two first author NEM publications and 3 first author Nature/Nature medicine publications.
He has presented data at plenary sessions at the major meetings including ASCO 2020 and was awarded the bladder cancer award at ASCO/GU in 2018. He has an active role on social media with over 50,000 listens to his podcasts and over 3000 followers on Twitter.
He leads the ESMO guidelines for renal and bladder cancer and is the track chair for non-prostate GU cancer in 2021 (Paris). He has previously participated in the steering committee for the educational and scientific tracks for ESMO meetings; this includes co-chairing ESMO IO 2019-2021.
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