Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2021

Clinical perspective of introducing the new guidelines into practice (#45)

Michael Michael 1
  1. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The National Workshop for the Consensus Guideline for Anticancer Drug Dosing in Kidney Dysfunction, included international multidisciplinary experts in renal and cancer medicine, clinical pharmacology and oncology pharmacy, who met under the auspices of the EviQ. The mandate was for the development of new guidelines for the dosing of anticancer agents based upon renal function. This presentation will discuss the group’s major recommendations in terms of their clinical application including:

  • The utility of eGFR for the estimation of renal function rather than traditional methods. Exception being measured nuclear GFR, where available in patients planned for carboplatin treatment.
  • The integration of the internationally recognised Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) chronic kidney disease categories for the dose adjustment of anticancer drugs. KDIGO bandings, based on eGFR, were utilised to guide the stepwise dose reduction of relevant anticancer drugs. The bandings, as they are based on eGFR values, are thus both pragmatic and reproducible.

Guidelines were thus developed for dose modification for specific drugs, based on their individual renal excretory characteristics, and the level and breadth of clinical and pharmacological evidence. Examples of these guidelines will be provided to demonstrate their utility by relevant health professionals in routine clinical practise; now based on standardised measures of renal function and functional banding. Dissemination will occur through the relevant professional groups, regulatory and industry bodies.